OB Change last minute 🙄

Elizabeth • Kyro & Kruz 💙 coming soon

Well I didn’t request for an OB change, next week is the last week I’ll see him due to surgery. I hate that I trusted my entire pregnancy with this OB for it not to be him delivering me. My aunt told me it don’t matter who delivers your babies as long as their healthy which is true but these are my first two full term babies after miscarriages and I want it to be with somebody I know and trust.

I got my energy to a level where I wasn’t worried bc I knew I was in good hands. Now I have to sit back and reevaluate bc im putting my babies in someone else’s hands. Maybe I’m being too sensitive but I would just rather my doctor whom I’ve been with this entire time plus more to deliver them but his health is just as important as mine so whatever it is, I hope & pray he gets through it.