stressed & don’t need any bitchy or smart remarks

I’m currently 26 weeks pregnant & I am sooo unhappy with my position in life! So far my baby is healthy and I am very grateful & thankful for that but I am broke and an unlucky ass young woman!! I have been going on interview after interview for jobs for companies I can possibly grow in & earn a good income (ex. front desk, receptionist, entry level leasing agent, etc) just simple jobs but none of them hire me!!! I literally try not to cry everyday because I don’t want to add any stress on my baby this is none of his fault!! I CANT EVEN AFFORD A BABY SHOWER!!! That really makes me tear up every time I think about it! I live with my child’s father & he pays all the bills & gets little things for the baby & I feel so bad bc I can’t contribute to anything!! I know for sure that postpartum depression is gonna kick my ass!!! I talk to God but I just feel like maybe my prayers aren’t working! I guess I’m just asking for a prayer from others bc I don’t know what i am doing wrong for my life to be going completely left at the worst time ever!!