PLEASE READ - I have a bad feeling this labor isn’t going right *UPDATED # 2


Baby girl was born at 6lbs 14oz and both are doing great!! ❤️❤️ thanks for all the prayers!


So she is just now being taken back for c section. She got an epidural an hour ago and she feels EVERY bit of pain. All she can do is beg for help. The nurses were taking their time so my dad and I go out there to ask why she hasn’t been taken back yet and they got smart with us saying they aren’t going to rush prepping an OR room and I understand that but I also told them it shouldn’t of waited this long , it’s not safe no matter what now.

But she is getting a c section right now. Thanks for all the prayers.

Hey y’all so my sister is in the middle of labor.

We got here at 10pm Monday Night.

They said she was at 3cm dilated, and 60% thinned out. They were sending her home and wanted to check her one more time and the doctor said nope your staying because you are actually 5cm and 80% thinned out.

Monday night my sister is told to get up and walk a little and every time she gets up the baby heart rate goes down and they come in and make her lay down again. It kept happening every time she got up.

Tuesday morning her actual doctor comes in and checks her and says who ever checked her Monday night was wrong, she’s only 3cm dilated.

That was a huge slap in her face.

But they wanted to go ahead and keep it going because she was having contractions. They checked her later on in the evening and she was still 3cm dilated no progress.

So they wanted to speed up the process. They gave her an epidural, a NURSE broke her water ( is this normal? ) and put a catheter in. ( they also put her on a medication to speed up the process started with a p)

OKAY so when they broke her water they seen where the baby has had diarrhea in the sac.

Now it is 4:30am ( they broke her water and found the diarrhea at 6pm ) her epidural has wore off HOURS ago. She’s begging for someone to help her. She has an infection now, and so does the baby. So they just gave her ANOTHER epidural. And she’s at 8cm three hours ago and just checked her and now she’s at 7cm?! How is that even possible.

Knowing that baby has an infection, could that baby be having more diarrhea in the womb and how can we tell? My sister is still running fever.

And they still won’t do a c section. The baby’s heart rate is high.

Anyone go through this? Is this normal or am I just tired and angry? Idk.

OH AND they are saying they never broke her water it happened naturally BUT MY BROTHER WAS IN THE ROOM WITH THEM. They did it right after the epidural. But they are saying they never broke it. How the hell they gonna say that?!