Help a girl out... TMI


My husband and I were very sexually active throughout my pregnancy even up to the last days before my induction and now I'm 6 days postpartum. He's on 2 week paternity leave so he's been home with me and you can cut the sexual tension in here with a knife. Our daughter is super chill so we actually have some time to be cuddly. I had a 2nd degree tear and have stitches that dissolve. I'm aware we can't have sex for 6 weeks and we definitely don't want to risk any infection or further damage. We've been getting into makeout sessions the last couple nights and sometimes even his kisses or just feeling him be close to me gets me feeling like I could orgasm without any penetration. I'm curious -- would it be dangerous to have an orgasm this soon after having a baby? Would I be risking having contractions or heavy bleeding if I did? Anyone else going/gone through this?