My little Elijah Emory was born at 4:09 pm weighing 6lbs 13 oz and 19 in long

My little Elijah Emory was born at 4:09 pm weighing 6lbs 13 oz and 19 in long. I was induced at 6:00am and was in active labor by 9:00 am. By 3:30 pm I was 7 cm dilated and within minutes after being checked I felt intense pressure in my groin. Honestly I think my epidural started to wear off towards the end because I could feel that not only was I having back labor but I felt everything when it came time to push other than the tearing 😬. It felt like I had to pop but my but bone was also being broken. Thank god my little guy was in a hurry to come earthside! I only pushed for 20 min and he was out! I had a 2nd degree tear and a small hemmorage but other than that everything went great! They called me the star patient because it’s not common for first time moms to labor so quickly haha 😂 I’m so proud of this little man and honestly I’ve never laid eyes on something more beautiful than him. He’s incredibly wise and serene. My heart is so full 💕