I feel like screaming

I am just so fucking tired. I was exhausted yesterday and then my husband came home from work and took the baby and then had the nerve to tell me that if I don’t go to bed early, I can’t complain that I’m tired today bc he came home and ‘more than helped out & I’m not complaining.’ He does take on half the responsibility, but really?!

And today I’m off from work and I’ve been up since 5 am with the baby and feel like screaming bc I’m so tired and my body hurts. Idn how I am going to make it through the day. And on top of that I have a huge headache and I’m sweating bullets bc it’s already so hot and humid out. And I’m stressed bc my stupid bil has been staying with us and that’s just making everything worse and it’s affecting our marriage bc it’s the 4th time in 4 years that he’s stayed with us. Didn’t even ask this time. Just showed up with his shit.