What to use for baby no. 2?

BoyMom👣 • • Ryder 06.28.18 | Rylan 01.07.20 •

My son used the Rock n Play from birth til the recall & even then I let him chill with his cup in it and watch Word Party or Super Why (he’s a year and is supervised so it’s not like his breathing or him falling out is a concern). I have since tossed it since it won’t serve any purpose with our second son. What did yall use if not the RNP because that was a live saver with my son & im worried I won’t find a good swing as I didn’t care much for my in laws Graco Swing.

This is the swing they have but my son was also 6 months when they got it so we barely got use of it so that’s why I’m not too fond.