Is this normal???

I stopped breastfeeding when my son was about 2/3 months old. Once i got my birth control pills, my milk almost (basically) vanished. I pumped and pumped and pumped and could never get more than an oz. I tried pumping MANY times a day for about 2 months and just gave up bc, well, its really depressing not being able to make enough and i had already been giving him formula since i couldn't produce enough milk.

My son is now 11 months old. From time to time, ill check to see if my milk has completely dried up or not bc I've been able to squeeze a drop or 2 out of only my left boob. I know its prob weird, but I checked out of curiosity. Today, my left boob felt more... Plump? First thing that came to mind was milk bc when I could produce milk, that was the last time this boob has felt like this.. So i squeezed it & quite a bit came out for someone who hasnt been breastfeeding in a while... Is this normal? Has this happened to anyone else? Will it ever completely dry up????