FTM and worried

I’m 8+3, FTM, my pregnancy has been fine so far, 2 scans, one to rule out ectopic and one last Monday to just check bubba is visible. I was told I was 7+5 on Monday but baby was growing at 6+6. But my midwife said yesterday I should be 8+2. So I’m concerned about that although I was told it’s perfectly fine and normal and we saw a strong heartbeat.

Since Wednesday evening, I had a blob of mucus like discharge at a funny brown colour with the tiniest red line. I didn’t panic at first but after a while I did and I cried and begged my baby not to leave me. It didn’t happen again so late Wednesday night me and my SO had sex. After a little more brown come out on tissue when I wiped. It’s been on off since and happened again this morning....I spoke to midwife and EPU yesterday and they said it doesn’t sound concerning but to keep it monitored.

Anyone else had this and everything been fine?