Husband Refuses To Get Anymore Help for MFI

Val • Christian | Wife | Mother ‘09 & ‘21 | YouTube "Errick & Val Coleman" | 6yrs TTC | Severe MFI | IVF Mar.’21 | Successful FET April ‘21 | Twins Born 11/14 @ 32wks | BoyMom

We’ve been trying for 4+yrs now. Diagnosed with MFI. Severely low sperm counts. Husband had surgery to correct bilateral varicocele Jan. 2018...Here we are 19mths later with no end in sight. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and boy has my faith been ever more tested. Recently, I had a 2nd dream that we went to a doctor for assistance (my 1st dream was Jan. 2017). My husband absolutely blew up when I shared it with him. When I say this man wants nothing to do with help...It’s really hard to accept. He doesn’t believe God called doctors to help people (or shall I say us) in that area, yet, he believes God called doctors to help people in everything other area. I’ve read stories where couples have conceived with 1-3Mil sperm and I know his numbers have increased but I guess not enough still.

All I can do is push the idea of more children (I have a 10yr old) to the back of my heart and mind. I’ll be 33 in September and I truly am having a hard time. My husband is 31 with no kids. He claims to have a 13yr old, but I’m sorry, I don’t believe it. He doesn’t know anything about this child but that some woman when he was 17 told him he had a child for her. He never physically saw the child. She supposedly sent pictures that no one can find...Supposedly she gave the child away...So how am I even supposed to believe that let alone him believing it. It’s the most twisted story I’ve ever heard. But he seriously believes it, yet when doctors ask if he has a child he says no.

If you’ve been through this...Please give advice. I know it’s hard for him as a man, but if it were me instead it’d be hard too. I just want us to try allowing a doctor to help us. We need the help. There is a fertility procedure called InvoCell that we can afford but he doesn’t want to hear anything close to babies and doctors. I’m just crushed.