Is this normal!? Ovulation/OPKs


Hi ladies! So I had a CP last cycle (started July 10-bleed out July 11-13 and full period started July 14-15). Today is July 19 and I have been feeling like I’m getting ovulation symptoms (acne, bloated) but still have creamy (wet/creamy CM). My bbt is dropping by the day (vaginal temping) and took my OPK this morning after a 3.5 hr hold at 930am so not fmu. I know this isn’t positive *yet* but do we think I may be beginning to ovulate?! Today would be CD10 and usually I don’t O until very late in my cycle (CD21 - hormone imbalances I believe are to blame) and for whatever reason I truly think my chemical plus b6 balanced me out because I have been feeling really good and had all perfect results from my Day 3 hormone test. 🌈🤞💖

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