Help! Hcg rise went from 100% to 80% every 48 hours!

Kendra • "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

The nurse said that they are happy with these numbers and not to worry but, I've had multiple miscarriages and I just don't trust the number. I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 31st of July. What do you ladies think? I'm also on vaginal progesterone suppositories so I'm even more worried.

12dpo(July 9th) 3+5

HCG 11.1

Progesterone 6.27

14dpo(July 11th) 4

HCG 24.1

Progesterone 12.6

18dpo(July 15th) 4+4

HCG 100

Progesterone 13

22dpo(July 19th) 5+1

HCG 313

Progesterone 11.9