Boyfriend’s family

So my bf and I have been dating for almost a year and a half. Anyway I got along well with his entire family....both sides of it. The only person I didn’t get along with was his step mother. From the beginning she said she didn’t want to meet me or talk on the phone with me. I found that kinda strange but thought nothing of it. Fast forward, my bf plays football so I got a professionally made Jersey with his number on the back and everything and was super excited to show it to him. He loved it but apparently she was at the game and I genuinely didn’t notice or see her. My bf then tells me she decided to bring up the fact I didn’t speak to her in front of his entire extended family at lunch the next day. And of course all the adults in the family suddenly realized I didn’t speak to them either (I didn’t see any of them mind you). And I got upset because I feel like that was rude of her to bring that up with his entire family there. He assured me she liked me and said she was just concerned about me and I’m like if she was concerned she should have spoken to you about it privately. Anyway fast forward some more and my bf tells me she said she always has to speak to me first which is SO untrue. Anyone that knows her knows she doesn’t speak first unless forced to. She has spoken to me first once and that’s because I was too busy my bfs dad (her husband) with his statistics class. She never lets me and my bf stay at the house if she’s not there and kicks us out even when it is over 100 degrees outside but when his dad isn’t there he lets us. His dad even asked us to leave the house one time because he said she was mad I was at the house and didn’t want to ruin me and my bfs day. One time I arrived at the house and she ran and told on my bf to his dad that I was there and my bf didn’t ask her permission to have me over. I tried to small talk with her and she legit didn’t even acknowledge me or look up from the TV. This is the 6th time I’ve tried to talk to her and gotten the cold shoulder. Lately she’s been going around saying I don’t support my bf which is a bold face lie and my bf read messages to her where I was talking about supporting him and helping him through his doubts and such. And for the last month his dad suddenly hopped on the bandwagon. They have both been telling my bf I’m not the one for him and that I’m immature and childish and I seriously don’t know where any of this is coming from. His dad liked me just fine and called me his daughter until recently and now he said I’m just some damn girl who’s going to dump his son. His dad and stepmom have basically demanded we have a sit down to talk about my disrespectfulness and the fact that I don’t speak to the stepmom. They also said if I don’t apologize they will make my bf stop seeing me. Which basically has already happened because they have taken his phone and limit his communication with me. It’s been a month since he’s gotten his phone taken and I barely get to talk to him. So I agreed to this stupid meeting and when I show up neither of them are even home which I found incredibly rude because we set up a time to me. Unbeknownst to me my parents followed me and when I call and tell my parents are with me they suddenly cancel the meeting and say his dad is not feeling well. His dad then calls my bf off of my phone and tells him how I’m disrespectful because I brought my parents and didn’t notify him. He said it was all unnecessary because it wasn’t even going to be a bad conversation and it was childish of me. Though I didn’t ask my parents to come i was glad they did because I don’t really see why my parents can’t be present if it’s not bad. If my bfs parents are present why can’t mine be you know? My parents felt it was disrespectful of my bfs parents to summon me without consulting with them first, not be there for the meeting and then to cancel so rudely after I drive 45 minutes for it. At the point his parents blame me for everything. If my bf does bad in football or school it’s my fault. If he’s not motivated it’s my fault. If he’s not happy it’s my fault and I’m not even sure what I did wrong. My only thought is this sudden change has to do with my bfs stepmom but I literally did nothing to her. Despite knowing she dislikes me I’ve done nothing but be friendly and try to get along. I’m at a loss and it pisses me off because they don’t even care about their son’s happiness and are punishing him for nothing.