Idk what to do ?

So im 14 and there is this boy in my school who has a crush on me. He is really open and he confessed to me that he likes me and we started to talk on snapchat and eventually i found out he was a close friend of my boy bestfriend and when me and the boy were talking to each other I jokingly said that ‘so should i say i love u’ and i dont think he thought it was something i said for fun and he said i love u too and i didnt knw how to reply and oneday he ended up near my home and i was scared that my mom and dad might see him after what my ex-boyfriend did . And i told him lets take things slowly and he was getting all emotional and he was trying to make me feel guilty and at that time i was fighting theough my family problems .. i removed him from snapchat and now my friends also tell me to date him ... i dont knw whether i feel the same for him . I feel like i gave him fake hopes... i dont knw what to do anymore..😖i srsly need help . Can someone pls help me..