Am I being over dramatic? (birth plan + family issues)

So about two years ago I sold 80% of my stuff and packed up the rest in a suitcase and carry on. I flew out across the country to meet my now husband and never looked back. We've since traveled the world but had to slow down for a bit because we found out I was pregnant. (Currently 20w). Since leaving, my anxiety has all but disappeared and I'm 100x healthier than I ever have been.

I have not seen my family since I left.

My mother has become increasingly clingy as I've gotten older. She was furious I left in the first place and not happy that we've decided to live a 6hr flight away. When I told her I was pregnant, she assumed she'd be able to be here for the birth and first weeks of my baby's life. I told her no, that we wanted the birth to be just us and the midwife. On top of that, we wanted 6 weeks to ourselves, no houseguests. So of course, she isn't happy. Her husband has bombarded me AND my husband with emails. He is trying to get me to change me mind because he wants her to be happy. He has straight up said knows what's best for me and my child and that I will regret my decision. Implying I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm being a bitch. It has caused my anxiety to flare up again and some days it's hard to get things done because I can't focus.

I used to be fairly accommodating and allowed myself to be walked on a bit. Since becoming pregnant I have already become very protective of my baby. I only want what is best for her and our little family. After that exchange of emails I don't think I could allow my mother's husband anywhere near my kids. I do not want for them to bossed around this way or to think it's okay.

I honestly want nothing to do with him but he continues to send emails while I haven't heard anything from my mother. I feel this may affect my already tense relationship with her when I would like to have a positive one. Just without him involved.

Am I being over dramatic by not wanting him around my kids/family? Should I just give in/let it slide?

My Dad and his wife are being really supportive. They are happy to wait to visit and haven't tried to persuade me of anything. So I know it's not impossible.


Anytime they came to visit they would have to be staying with me, likely for a week or more. I'm very introverted and private so this is already a huge undertaking for me. It's a six hour flight from my home city to my new one, it's also another country. 1hr visits are impossible.

I have not "cut her out". I have responded to all the messages she has sent but I haven't heard from her in over a month, only her husband. I don't want anyone at the birth or visiting in the first six weeks. Period. We have no friends in our new city so it's not hard to do.

I have told them how I feel and how this behaviour is pushing me away and making things worse. To no avail. I just hear the same we know what's best for you and you're wrong, over and over and over. When he went so far as to email my husband to enlist him in trying to persuade me that was my last straw so to speak.


He has been in my life for over 20 years. They've almost been divorced several times always because he has mishandled finances or not pulled his weight (my Mum has always been the breadwinner as well as running the house). I honestly don't know why she married him but that's not for me to decide. We have never really gotten along. He has a habit of blaming me for my mother's emotions. Including blaming me for health issues that I had no control over because it upset her (just like it upset everyone close to me). Because of all this, I have been on the fence about him being involved in my life and my child's life before I got pregnant. This interaction proved to me that he hasn't changed and doesn't truly care about my wellbeing (and therefore my child's). It might be different if they were only swinging by for a an hour or two but a week + stay sounds terrible to me, at any stage.

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Posted at
Maybe try telling your mom and her husband that what He is doing is setting firmer in stone that you do NOT want them there. You will not change your mind but the continued harrassment will extend this timeframe out. Until they can respect you and your decisions you do not want to hear from them.


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For those of you saying she is being dramatic about her mothers husband you dont know wjat was said you dont know if he threatened them or was just flat out rude (ruder than trying to force he into this i mean) stay string girl dont let them push you around


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I think NEVER wanting him around is a little dramatic, but if u prefer to be home with baby by yourselves the first six weeks then don’t feel bad for that. I’m sure your mom is so anxious to meet your nEw baby and u can’t blame her for that and it’s easy to understand where she is coming from wanting to come earlier, but she will still be anxious even if baby is 6weeks old.


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Stick to your wishes. You don’t owe anything to anyone, even family! I wish I had left it as just myself and my husband for our daughter’s birth. My mom flew to be there and added stress and anxiety to the entire experience.


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I think pregnancy and becoming a parent in general can lead us to become very territorial. Regardless of whether or not it’s super reasonable, it is still profoundly impactful. 6 weeks is a long time to delay any guests, especially because you may want some help and a break, but I’m imagining this like a 1 hour visit with myMom (whom I have a good relationship with) versus staying with me, so that could look totally different for you guys. The good news for you is that this is your life, and you are in no way dependent on your mom, so you’re not indebted to accommodate her and her husband’s feelings. Tell her directly that this is your plan & you look forward to seeing her then. After that, you don’t need to even listen to their retorts. Also, if you don’t want them to come because of their behavior, don’t! Parenthood is stressful regardless, so you need to do what’s best for your immediate family.


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what did she do to you to make you cut her out? it sounds like shes wanted to be there for you but you shut it down


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Stick to your guns mama! Nothing is over dramatic when it comes to the birth of your child! I am so lucky my mom understands that we want he here, but not in the room, and my MIL understands that we don't want her here at all haha. I'm sorry your mom/her husband is being so difficult. The only thing you will "regret" is not doing what YOU are comfortable with! It is a very special yet overwhelming time and you deserve everything you want it to be!!


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I agree with just your husband Nd you in delivery room, that’s what I did, I told my family they could visit the hospital the next day. As far as waiting 6weeks for a visit, you actually may appreciate having someone like your mom there to help take care of your newborn. It is A LOT. And exhausting. As far as NEVER wanting your Mom’s husband around your kids because he’s trying to get you to let your mom be around, I think that is dramatic. He loves your mom and is trying to get her to be able to be involved. Also, you probably haven’t heard from your mom because she is hurt over not only you moving but also you not allowing her to be involved


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I would set boundaries and let them come but NOT stay with me. If they cannot afford their own accommodations then it’s problem solved for you. As for being over dramatic I do think that you saying you don’t want your kids near him is a bit extreme unless he’s abused you. Standing up for his wife doesn’t make him abusive although it may make him boundary impaired. I agree that you may regret it if you don’t let your mom be a part of the first days but I don’t know you or your mom. I cannot stand to be in the same room as my mom for more than a few hours and even less so my mother in law and both were at my 2 home births. And visited the week of. I set boundaries. I gave them jobs (as well as my sisters and sister in law) and they brought food for my freezer, did laundry and cleaned my house. They looked after my other kids. This was all prearranged. And nobody stayed with us. My in-laws have moved across the country and will be coming in for this birth (#4) and will NOT be staying in our home. My MIL will come and help me get my other kids off to school and cook for me. They will enjoy time with us but have somewhere to retreat to after a few hours so as not to burden or overwhelm us. Again, it all had to be laid out beforehand. Perhaps you can ask your mom to come help with the birth in a very specific way and that you would feel better if stepdad wasn’t involved. At the end of the day it is your birth. You CAN do whatever you want. But there are always consequences to our choices. If you’re comfortable hurting your mother’s feelings or feel that she deserves to be left out because of her behaviour then of course you have to do what you need to do for yourself and your family. Just don’t get in the habit of using your child as a weapon. Not to family. Not to dad. Not to anyone. It’s not healthy for anyone.


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I also moved away from home and my parents a couple of years ago and had my first child last year (currently pregnant with our second). My mom wanted to be here for the birth, but just like you, we said that we only wanted the medical staff and us two in the delivery room + no visitors for the first 4 weeks. Even though I'm sure she was a bit disappointed, she was absolutely supportive of our decision. Your mom is being very immature by not talking to you at all and her husband is being really pushy. I think never wanting him around the kids is a bit extreme, but I understand your strong feelings right now. Maybe you can turn the whole thing around and tell both of them how disappointed you are by their behaviour and that this actually makes you want them around even less. It's up to them if they want to accept/respect your wishes or keep behaving like stubborn little kids.