So confused! Sorry for the novel.


So I posted this morning in general ttc, but wanted to post an update.

Been TTC for baby # 2 since May. I use opks because I have irregular cycles. I got positive opks on June 26-28. I took a frer on July 9th and got the faintest line ever, and a total negative clear blue. Started light spotting when I wiped throughout the day the 10th, then it got heavier the 11th and continued to be a “normal for me” period. So I assumed the faint was an indent or chemical.

Wednesday evening I tested with an OPK and got a super positive, as well as Thursday, and today. (Pics below)

When I did it this morning my line showed up almost immediately, so I decided to take a clear blue test I had, assuming it would be negative. And was positive. When I got home from work today I took a frer and the line popped up immediately! I’ve spoken to a nurse at my doctors office and she told me my doctor isn’t in until Monday, and just to wait until then.

I want to be excited! And I am, but I’m just so confused, and scared.

All tests were taken today.