
Did anyone have an ultrasound at 6+1 weeks and see a heartbeat? I should be getting an ultrasound when I’m 6 weeks and 1 day and was just wondering if we’ll be able to see a heartbeat. I’m super nervous.

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With both of my pregnancies I saw the heartbeat at 6 weeks.


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I had one at 6 weeks exactly and they saw the heartbeat.


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I had my first US at 5 weeks and saw a heartbeat 💗. But OB was surprised to see so early, if you don’t see one don’t worry just yet.


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Yup! She looked like a Diamond ring and we heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks exactly


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I was 6wks and 1day when I saw baby, yolk sack and heartbeat. But I know its very common to not see a heartbeat


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I have heart burn still and I'm 37 weeks


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No I went in at 8 weeks and saw nothing. I was so nervous but it was there at 9 weeks. Just don’t freak out if you don’t see anything is all!


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My first sonogram with this pregnancy was at 6.5 weeks and we saw his heartbeat.


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I had an ultrasound yesterday. We thought I was 7w1d but I am actually only 6w2d. We did see a heartbeat ❤️😊


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I had my first ultrasound at 6 weeks exactly and saw the heartbeat.