SAHM vent?

How many of you stay at home with your babies full time? I’m a first time mom and just wondering how much work your partner puts into the baby even though he’s the one working?... so during the week I do everything with baby because my husband is working construction.. he works 10hr days and doing manual labor. I sooo appreciate what he does for us and I’m SO lucky I get to stay home with our son, but I’m getting sort of annoyed with him for not doing anything with baby when he has free time. I also EBF and get up with baby at night btw.. anyways, I feel like on the weekends he should help me or at least WANT to help me.. he doesn’t change diapers, has never given him a bath, has never fed him lunch/ dinner. He says that he has his job, and that my “job” is to take care of the baby. He didn’t say it in those words exactly, but it really made me feel like he isn’t a parent. I don’t see being a mom as a job, I see it as a right and a responsibility that both parties should have to put work into? Maybe I’m being dramatic? I LIKE to give baths/ feed him/ play with him so I’m not bothered by doing them, just wish my husband also wanted to do those things..