Could I Be Having Twins?!?!

Kierra • 11/12/13👶🏽💙 12/14/18👼🏽💔 3/7/20🤰🏽🧡

My fiancé and I found out we are pregnant with our rainbow baby 7/1/19. I wasn’t even late for my period yet, I just had a feeling to test since we had been ttc. I am now 6weeks and 6days with extreme nausea, vomiting, food aversions, breast & nipple tenderness and fatigue. I literally wake up from sleeping and still feel like I haven’t gotten any sleep. I only had a bit of nausea with my son and also every pregnancy is different but this just feels a bit excessive lol. I’ve been having cramping on both sides but it’s stronger on my left side. I have a history of twins on my side of the family as well as my fiancé. I’ve been searching for signs and symptoms from other mamas or mamas to be on YouTube. I personally feel like it’s possible but then I think maybe it’s just in my head. Hopefully someone can help my brain stop overthinking this lol! 😊🙏🏽🧡