What should my husband do?

His relationship with his mom has always been odd. From what I hear he was treated very badly by both his parents, and was pushed to the side once they had a little girl.

They were far from good parents, for example he had walk and take trains to do the grocery shopping when he was less than 10 years old because for some reason, his mother and father couldn't go, his dad called him a waste of space and was often physically abusive to him (and his mother still stayed and let him be subjected to that), his teachers told his parents he should be on medication for his ADHD and they ignored that, they never offered to pay for his tertiary but constantly paid for whatever my SIL decided she wanted to do, etc. My husband got kicked out the house for punching a wall when his narcissistic sister pushed him too far, but his sister has been physically abusive to even his mom and she did nothing. My mother in law keeps photos of his sister with her and she has no pictures of him, my father in law has had his profile pictures various photos of my SIL for years and never of my husband. Those are just a few examples.

Anyway, we rent from my MIL but it's mutually beneficial. She actually has tenants who pay (and who even take care of faults) and we pay a lower price we would elsewhere.

However, my husband and his mom haven't spoken since February thanks to his sister (not like they saw each other often anyway because the relationship has been strained for years). And I'm living with this anxiety that any moment now she's going to put her house into he market (and we can't afford to go elsewhere thanks go all the animals we've rescued), or that she'll move in here (the woman hasn't spoken to me in years depsite my trying).

Anyway, his sister went on a rant in Feb after coming go some weird conclusion that she somehow was a victim and treated badly by her parents (who literally gave her everything she wanted). My husband said some things to her about no, she was actually treated so much better than he was. And his sister went and told his mom everything that he said (not the first time she has gaslighted, she did that to me in an attempt to separate my husband and me).

*I wouldn't stop her from moving in but it would a dark cloud over the household.

His mother's day gift has been sitting in the cupboard for months because she ignored his phone call and apparently wasn't home when he went around. His dad also hasn't spoken to him, no doubt his sister told him about what my husband said too- he also ignored my husband's phone call on father's day, even though he doesn't even deserve a phone call.

I want my husband to go speak to his mom just to be civil again, mostly for security purposes (that were not going to be kicked out anytime) and he doesn't want to just get (though he knows it should be done.

I'm not putting pressure on him to do this, if he wants to do it he'll do it when he's ready but I was wondering the other day if he should even do so, and if he should rather wait until his mom stops being a bitter stubborn woman and realise she was wrong.

@April,thank you for you advice. We haven't rescued any animals since last year, and they actually came from his mom. She decided she no longer had space for them and gave them to us. The other animals we've had for years, many of them since they were babies (now between 6-9 years old), and the shelter where we got two of our doggies closed down last year so rehoming unfortunately is not an option for most of them (we don't have THAT many, only three dogs and four cats).

@mommy thanks for your advice. We've not reside any animals since last year and they were actually two his mom gave us as she decided there was no more space for them. The other pets we had before we moved in (except for the one bigger dog). She asked us to move in initially and we did it all by the book (signed a lease, put down a deposit, etc).

**I just want to add she never said she is going to sell, she said she was going to leave them the house but I don't trust her.