


I'm 5 weeks and 7 days and this is my second day of brown spotting which is there every other time I go to the toilet. From what I've been reading I thought this was normal but my midwife has moved my first scan forward to next week so perhaps not. It's so hard not to worry!! Anyone else in the same boat?

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Posted at
I’m sure all will be good Hun x sending positive vibes x keep us updated x


Lisa • Jul 20, 2019


Posted at
I’m experiencing the same thing at 5w5d. I have an ultrasound scheduled for this Tuesday and I’m praying everything is fine. I had a miscarriage in February so I’m very nervous.


Lisa • Jul 21, 2019
Good luck, fair enough it is nerve wracking! I can't wait to have the ultrasound...


Posted at
I ended up in the ER for spotting and when they checked me everything was right on track and baby was great! Brown spotting is actually common and normal in your first trimester, my OB said it’s just old blood finally pushing its self out! I spotted brown all week, only when I wiped and it’s finally stopped. I wouldn’t stress yourself out about it too much, about 50% of women spot during their first trimester!


Lisa • Jul 20, 2019
Thanks that's great that everything was fine!! Yes trying not to stress but it's hard 🤣


Posted at
Hi :)Are you 5w6d or 6w0d?Irrespective - it's never normal to bleed during pregnancy. However bleeding during the first trimester is very common. As long as you aren't having severe cramps, shoulder tip pain, severe lower back ache with brown bleeding.. Or red fresh blood then chances are everything is OK.Many women have first trimester bleeding and go on to have a full term pregnancy and successful birth - I'm one of them!


Lisa • Jul 20, 2019
Thanks for that! Guess I'll just have to wait and see and hope 🙂