Does blood pressure increase before labour?

My blood pressure has been fluctuating lots the past couple weeks.

Monday it was 120-130/mid 80s

Tuesday it was 120-130/high 80s

Thursday it was 130s/90s and they ALMOST decided to do a csection on me. But my blood work was good, and just a trace of protein in my urine. Then they check it again and it was 123/75 so they send me home but scheduled be in for an indepth BPP at a bigger hospital.

Friday I went that Hospital and my ultrasound went great. Scored 8/8 on the BPP. They checked my blood pressure while I was there and it was great 114/72!

So i went home all happy etc.

Then today, Im 38w5d... and ive been checking my BP all day and so far its been:









Ive been checking it all day since this morning hoping it will start going down again but it hasnt.

Ive literally had to go to the hospital every day this week except Wednesday so I really dont want to go back. My next appointment isnt until tuesday though. Any advice?

I dont kno if maybe its increased today because of impending labour... or if Im starting to get pre eclampsia like my last pregnancy.