Azoospermia/Blood Hormones... cause?


Hello everyone!

We received a heartbreaking diagnoses; azoospermia/0 sperm.

We are still undergoing testing to try and figure out the cause. Hubs blood hormones came back as follows:

fSH: 8


T: 12.9 (unsure of measurement used)

They did prolactin and E too. Dr explained these are all in the normal range, however from what I’m reading I’m thinking the fSH might be borderline high. 3 SA completed, all came back 0. Hub has been taking fertilaid for 5 months... no results seen. Dr refused to put him on clomid.

We are waiting on the results of genetic/Y chrom microdeletion testing.

Did anyone have similar to the above? What ended up being the cause of azoo?

For anyone who has received the diagnoses for a Y chromosome MD, what were your fSH levels (if you don’t mind sharing of course ☺️)

For reference, the only issues still in the running for cause are the y microdeletion, obstruction, and possible retrograde via a back injury (although amount is normal). No history of undecended testes/mumps, etc. Dr thought he could feel the vas d. No noted varicole.

Thank you!