
My depression used to be really bad 4 or 5 years ago and I’ve been a lot better but lately I started feeling like I did back then. I just feel so depressed that I don’t wanna do anything and all my responsibilities just pile up and then I just feel overwhelmed and like I’m drowning. I know I should probably seek therapy or be put on medication but I just feel so embarrassed to ask anybody for help. I’m always the person cracking jokes and trying to help everyone so I don’t wanna day anything about my problems because I either think no one will believe I have these issues because I always come off as “happy” and joking around or that they will not see me the same. But I just feel so horrible lately and like I don’t have anyone and I don’t know what to do. I feel helpless. I feel like a failure and like my life isn’t even worth living at this point and idk what to do.