Do i have to right to be PISSED

Iyrah ā€¢ LucasDillon 11/06/2019 šŸ’™šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜

So today is my 25th birthday and my first birthday being a mumšŸ˜¬

The passed few weeks iv been trying to pump itā€™s difficult because when i do my son wakes up literally every time! So iv been asking my partner for help like hold one pump on and Iā€™ll feed him on the other side, heā€™s bin saying yes! But not actually do nothing, the main reason i wanted to pump is because I thought it would be nice to leave my mum with my son for 2 hours so me and him could go on a date and reconnect as a couple.. iv also bin asking him to bottle feed him with breast milk to help his bond! but that went out the window so i was a little upset

Yesterday i ask him please can yu help me at night time so Iā€™m not completely shattered today he agreed.. when i say help i mean burp him after feeding and try settling him.. he didnā€™t,

So around 5/6 am this morning i say to him i think its out of order that yu leave me to do everything while yu sleep, he then tells me to go fuck my selfšŸ˜ absolutely charming šŸ–•šŸ¼

The reason Iā€™m so upset is because when its my birthday or my dads death anniversary or any day thatā€™s important to me, he makes me feel worthless like i have to ask him can yu be nice to me today, but when its his birthday or grandpas death anniversary Iā€™m so nice to him further more i had to remind him it was his grandpas anniversary in may! Even though its tattoooed on his armšŸ˜¶

Just because im breastfeeding doesnā€™t mean I should take on all the responsibility of raising our son

I feel so disrespected!

Being told to fuck myself on my birthday

Ohh and let me add that last year he made me feel like shit as well and this year he was meant to be making up for it! I genuinely feel like smacking him if im perfectly honest

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