What should I do? Pls help!!!

Hey everyone! This may be a silly question but I really need advice. My parents are AWFUL with money, so asking them is not an option.

I’m in my early 20’s, graduated college one year ago, working a great job with poor pay full time (few dollars more than min wage in Ontario) and living at home. My only expenses are currently my phone bill, groceries, and of course giving money to my parents when it’s needed for rent (couple hundred every once in a while) and gas. My parents pay for my car insurance.

I want to go back to school in 2020 full time. I have $12’000 saved.

I need to buy a vehicle (which I will be paying my own insurance once I get it). I will not be working full time while in school - only part time or casual if my course load becomes too much for me.

So my question is; I don’t know if it’s better for me to buy a cheap beater for the time being and have some extra money to go towards school and eventually living on my own, OR to buy a more expensive car (max $10’000) that will last.

Thank you all so much! I appreciate any advice. :)

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