Genital warts???

Soo my ex from last summer informed me a few days ago that he had a pimple show up on his penis. I told him to give a week and it should go away. Then he informed me that it had been there for a month. So I asked him to get it checked out and let me know. He texted me a couple days later and said he went to the doctor and it was a genital wart. He had it frozen off and his blood is being tested because he claims he also had a swollen lymph node in his hip area. I told him that i had read up on genital warts and that they are usually only dormant for six months, so I couldn’t have been the one to give him something. Ive also never had anything like that show up, so i’m pretty convinced it wasn’t from me. He then informs me that his wart had been there since September, meaning it showed up two months after we ended things... After he said that I started thinking about my boyfriend that I had in September and how if I did get something and my ex knew about it, then it affects not only my first ex and me but also my second ex... I started freaking out and then I thought about it... I donated plasma just a few months ago, and the plasma is tested for several different diseases, including STDs. I never received a letter like I was told I ‘d receive if my plasma was infected, AND i had received a call from the donation center to come donate again for even more money. Based on that, I’m pretty sure I am clean entirely. But i’m still worried and every little bump has begun to worry me. I ‘m waiting on his blood results to come in so that if he does have something I can go get tested. Should I really be concerned or am I just over thinking it? There has been so many lies from him as well that it all just feels like one big joke...