Ex broke up with me today

*need someone to talk to or some advice sorry for the long text*

So I was dating him for 5 years ( we're both 17 )and thing we're good, ups and downs like any relationship, we go out and have fun but not a lot cuz strick parents but today he broke up with me cuz he said he feels stuck and trap and wants to be single and free I did so much for this kid, I helped him with family problems, school stuff, and now he wants to be just friend I want too but I also want to be with him but if he's done then I'm done but it hurts so much this guy I would tell him everything and he was my best friend but now idk what to do you girl might say move on but it's hard and I don't know if I can he says he loves me with all his heart tmi but I lost my virginity to him and he's my first boyfriend he wants us to text without feelings now I'm stuck on what to do please help