Saw this on Facebook and thought I would share.

Samantha • 8/25/19 💙👶

"Here’s a visual for you. My little girl is buckled into her car seat correctly. Her straps are over her shoulders, coming from below her shoulders, her CHEST clip is armpit level, and I can't pinch any slack above her shoulders. My little boy is buckled in incorrectly. His CHEST chip is between his belly button and chest, his straps are VERY loose. If we were to get into a car accident he would most likely be ejected from his car seat and flung forward.

If you do not feel confident to flip your child upside down in a 5 point harness, THEY ARE NOT STRAPPED IN CORRECTLY.

It is your obligation as a parent to make sure your tiny people are safe. It is not an opinion. It is an obligation.

And it is the law in Oklahoma to rear face your BABY till 2."

Update: These are not my photos. This is a post that was on Facebook that I shared on here. I am currently 33+6 with my first child. I wish I could answer some of your questions. I'm sorry.

Update #2: I did some research and it looks like the little girl's carseat is the Evenflo Embrace LX Infant Car Seat in the color/print Penelope while the little man's looks like it is the same car seat but in the color/print Ashton. 😊