Vent !


Think I do this too damn often my mom literally has the nerve to say my dude not doing nothing for me but everytime we try and save for a house or anything she takes it from me she complains say my nigga ain’t shit and all this but in all honesty you preach to me what a man supposed to be doing and your man don’t do shit nothing but abuse your fucking kids and complain every fucking day and yu say I should sneak my man in the house at night for what this your damn house you pay all the damn bills you always talking bout I need to stand up to my man but you won’t even stand up to your own worthless ass nigga your blood pressure sky fucking high every fucking day cause of a nigga and yu have the nerve to tell me how to run my relationship and yours not even in check ..... one thing I can say is I will never put a man above my child and her daddy gone always be there to protect her ass he should ... if my damn dad was here he would be doing the same but unfortunately god had other plans for him ..... I repeat never put a man above your child your kids gone always be there a man won’t and some kids will take the hate being dished out and dish it out to other people!!