How do I approach my family about nicknames?

Jessica • God first. Speech Therapist. Sky's wife.💍 Aurora's mom.❤

Hey everyone. Almost two weeks ago, I had my beautiful daughter, Aurora June. My husband chose her name from Aurora Borealis (Northern lights). She was a mystery baby, so no one knew the gender until birth. After she was born, my relatives all have different nicknames for her. I don't like it because I don't want it to confuse my daughter. I'm not sure how I should bring it up to my family. They already think I'm kinda bitchy because I wanted my husband and I only in the delivery room, and I refused to text anyone during labor because I was so exhausted and let's face it, I don't need to give second by second updates. They also think so because of how my husband and I plan on raising our kids. I don't want to rob them of the opportunity to have a nickname, but I don't want to confuse my baby girl. Maybe I could see if they would wait until she is older before having nicknames? Aurora is such a beautiful and unique name, and I feel like it suits her so well. I don't like her being called Rori, because it reminds me of the ho from Gilmore girls.😂 I made that clear but that's still a choice by some family members... I don't know how to bring it up without insulting everyone or pissing them off. Any advice?