How do I become me again?

I’m 19 I have a 8 month old son and feel like I’ve lost myself during these past few months before my and my boyfriend had our son I was working everyday going out everyday hanging out with friends and family and just smiling more we ended up have 2 miscarriages so with my 3rd pregnancy I decided I was just going to hang around the house stop working and be a little more cautious physically I gained 30lb with my 2 miscarriages after we had our son I didn’t go back to work we have nobody to watch our son if we both worked and we only have 1 car so I ended up just becoming a stay at home mom which I was not used to I started working at the age 16 and only stopped after my 3rd pregnancy since we only have 1 car my boyfriend takes it to work and I stay at home 5 out 7 days a week the two days my boyfriend is off we go buy things we need like food and such I ended up gaining another 30 lb with my last pregnancy so I started dealing with weight issues which brought my self esteem I stopped getting ready I stayed in my pjs all day since I never went anywhere I created a routine that I do everyday without fault I felt like I fell in to a roll that didn’t make my happy I felt like a robot going through a continuous loop I’ve asked my husband for help and he helps out for a good 10 minutes and started doing other things and I feel like he doesn’t realize that this routine is making me feel like nothing like every time I ask something I want his to keep helping me that every time I get frustrated that’s a piece of me gone that I no longer feel my self that I am in a dark room looking for a light and I just can’t find it and I can feel the room getting bigger and bigger and it’s getting darker and darker and I need help to find my self again I need help to be me again I need to be proud of the body I have now when I look and myself and see a person I never wanted me become mentally and physically I need myself again