I have always identified as queer, since a young age.

I have always known that I wasn’t straight, and identified under various labels (pan, ace, bi, panromantic) throughout my youth, and roughly a year or two ago, finally began identifying as a lesbian, after the label bi started to feel kinda off? When I identified as bi, I would describe it as a 90% women, 10% men sort of deal, but then felt that even that was a misrepresentation, as although I thought some men were attractive, I would never want to have sex/date them. I felt much more comfortable identifying as a lesbian.

HOWEVER the issue is that I still do find some men attractive, and it makes me feel like I’m lying, or I’m an imposter. I also have a Huge crush on someone who is masc aligned nb, which has thrown a complete spanner in the works too.

Bi and pan feel like they misrepresent me, but I sometimes feel like I’m lying if I say I’m a lesbian. I feel completely stuck, and this is taking up much too much brain space.

Any advice or experiences that might help? Honestly just sharing is sort of helping, it feels nice to get it out into the world.

Tl;dr - I’m a lesbian but sometimes men are pretty??