C-section momma’s

Sara • Happily Married 11-28-15👩‍❤️‍👨 Mommy to Leah Marie 5/9/19👧🏽 Trying for baby #2🤰🏽

I had my daughter two months ago and I had to have a c-section because I stopped dilating at 5cm. So I was wondering if I decide to get pregnant again (year or year an a half) would I have to have another c-section?

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Posted at
Depends on your doctor/hospital. Some doctors will do a VBAC and some won’t. It’s ideal to wait two years to get pregnant again after a c-section with 18 months being the minimum especially if you want to do a VBAC.


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It depends on a number of factors. How your current pregnancy is going, the time between each delivery, your doctor, your hospital.


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Can I ask why you stopped dialating? Same thing happened to me but I stopped at. Im just so tiny arms baby wouldn't fit through the birth canal. My baby was 7lbs 7 oz, so yeah most likely I'm going to have another csection.


Sara • Jul 25, 2019
So idk why I stopped dialing they never told me


Sara • Jul 25, 2019
See i was supposed to be induced on Mother’s Day but I found out that I was losing Amniotic fluid so they put me in May 8th and that gave me a pill at 6 o’clock to make me start dilating and I had to take four pills one every 2 hours and the next morning around 8am they broke my water I was 3 cm than and about noon they checked me and I was at a 5cm and then a couple hours later they checked me again and I was still at 5cm and they decided to have a c-section and on May 9th at 7:35pm my daughter was born 5lbs 13oz and 18 1/4 in long. When they put me in at 37 weeks and 6 days & I had her at 38weeks.


Posted at
Depends on incision type. If they did the normal across incision then no. You can vbac.If it is a T style or Classic then yes you are Manditory c-section. If this were the case your surgeon would have told you before discharge. Hope that helps.


Samantha • Jul 24, 2019
Nice. Yah my son ( 2nd pregnancy) was the 37 week and my daughter, the dramatic one, was 28 weeks.


Sara • Jul 24, 2019
I had my daughter at 38weeks.


Samantha • Jul 23, 2019
Then you should be fine. Mine was bikini on outside and t style internal so my second pregnancy was manditory c section at 37 weeks. Scheduled c section was so much easier


Posted at
I depends. Me personally due to the size of my second and the amount of scar tissue I had I had to have a csection. Also had a csection for my third baby but I do know several people who had a vbac and it was perfectly fine. Your doctor will discuss it with you when the time comes