Husbands hobby

Hey everyone we have a 3 month old and she’s such a good baby.

However, some days I feel like I married a 5 year old. My DH is lovely in many ways he loves our daughter helps out when he can however he has obsessive hobbies and interests. For example, while I was pregnant he obsessed over his fish tank everything was about fish. Now his new obsession is solar panels. I see the positives in his obsessions. He loves to learn and to be honest I think that’s great (I am a teacher) but he also loses track of some of responsibilities. I am not going to lie, I am truly starting to feel second to his hobbies.

We have already discussed and tried to solve house work issues now that I am on mat leave. I started feeling like he wasn’t helping out. He’s gotten better. I don’t want to completely take away his fun but at the same time priorities change in life and he needs to change with them.

That being said, with a three month old

I am trying to indulge in my own hobbies (crafting) when he’s not home so that

I have time to spend with him when he is home. But he still chooses his hobbies over me. Or Atleast I feel that way.
