Losing my virginity

I’m 16 years old going into my junior year and I’ve never done anything other then kiss a boy. I used to be very against the idea of having sex or anything even sexual other then kissing but recently its all I want to do. Part of me just wants to get it over with but I also want to finally experience what it’s like. I’ve been talking to this guy I added on Snapchat a couple months ago and he wants to have sex and I think I’m ready but I’m not sure if it’s the right thing. I’ve always wanted to lose my virginity once I was in a relationship with someone I love and trust but that day isn’t going to come for who knows how long because any relationship I have ever had has lasted no longer then 2 weeks. So I either lose it with someone I’m interested in but don’t love or I wait for as long as it takes and lose it to someone I do love. I know everyone is gonna say to wait until u love someone but Ive been waiting for that day to come and it hasn’t and it won’t for a long time. I think I’m ready to experience and experiment now.

(Forgot to mention I have met the guy I added on Snapchat multiple times)