is this endo symptoms??

About a year ago I got laparoscopic surgery to diagnose my endometriosis. I don’t have a perfect grasp yet on what the exact symptoms are for endo and I know they vary with each individual person. In the last month I’ve been extremely dizzy/light headed, I’ve been really nauseous but never actually throw up, I have fainted while working out and I am already very active (work out 3-5 times a week) and i’ve never gotten lightheaded and my workouts haven’t changed. I’ve also been getting sharp shooting pains where my ovaries are located where it almost feels like nerve pain and when i’ve brought it up to my doctor they don’t really believe me. My period is due August 11th and I typically start getting more pain towards my period but it’s never come with any of these other symptoms before. Please be easy on me as I really don’t have a full understanding of how endometriosis works and I don’t have a full grasp on what the norm is for symptoms. Thank you to anyone who responds💗💗💗