I feel like an over abused pin cushion


I'm on the progesterone shots weeks have been like since week 16 and almost 23 weeks pregnant. I have a cerclage-cervical that comes out around 37 weeks. I have one OB that says the shots will stop about 34/35 weeks the other says 35/36 weeks. I'm so confused on when they are going to stop. But what happens once they are stopped? I'll have my/hubby's hospital bag and baby's hospital bag in our car when I hit 34-35 weeks....The idea of getting this cerclage removed is thrilling and scary because I can't wait to meet my little rainbow and her big sister can't wait either neither can her daddy ❤️ I'm getting so anxious 😢 baby went from being head down to breech.... Which has me more anxious. My first daughter stayed head down once she was head down....ugh

Any experience on any of the topics would be appreciated so much😍