Anyone elses families worry more about meds than other pregnancy risks?

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I have lupus and my and little side conditions and symptoms will most likely cause miscarriage... but it seems my family is more concerned with me getting off the medication that is preventing miscarriage because... they think it's going to cause miscarriage?

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It's a auto immune disease and it's sucks I have rheumatoid badly and I had to come off ALL my medication only cause I am a high risk pregnancy due to miscarriages and pre-eclampsia babies, thrombosis and now I have had to take other medications to help but no where as good as RA meds. Have you spoken with your OB to see what they say? Unless your family are doctors don't listen, listen to those who are trained in this area. Best of luck


⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Aug 1, 2019
Ah yep. What we will do for our little ones. Blood sweat and tears.... pr more like pain, needles, and tears, right?


Jodie • Jul 27, 2019
Bloody auto correct ,restavit and panadol when needed. You shouldnt use restavit during pregnacay unless with B6 hence why the high dosage.


Jodie • Jul 27, 2019
It's life what we do to carry our babies, I take B6 X 3 times a day, aspirin daily, preganacy multi vitamins 2x 3 times a day and Calrate x1 and rest a bit


Posted at
I have lupus too! I had to have progesterone supplements in the first trimester. Now 19+4 weeks. It’s hard, but try to ignore your family and do what’s best for you and the baby. People, especially non medical people always seem to think they know the answer. I listen quietly and then do whatever I darn well think is best for me and my baby. How far are you? And how is pregnancy going for you so far?