Does he actually like me?


So I’ve been seeing this guy for a month and at first he said he didn’t want anything serious and he only wanted to mess around and i was fine with that because quite frankly the sex was great. However we’ve been hanging out a lot. We’ve gone to a soccer game together where I met his dad although he only said i was a friend. Then he takes me on an early birthday weekend trip to Rocky Point since he was going to be busy the weekend of my actual birthday. He lets me sleep in his house whenever i go over . He even joined me and some friends and family for my birthday dinner which he paid for. He’s told me he’s very jealous and wouldn’t want to see me with someone else. And now he even gave me a toothbrush to keep at his house. He invited me to go with him to Vegas and even offered to take me to see one of my favorite bands. Do you think he can actually be falling for me? I mean he wouldn’t be spending so much time and money on me if he didn’t actually like me right?