Story time!


So I’m going to discuss the time when I was a terrible mom.

The setting: last July three days after my son was released from the NICU.

The characters: Me a at the time 29 year old ftm, my one year old nephew (who I have watched five days a week year round since he was five weeks old, minus the month my son was on the NICU), his 11 year old brother (who was on summer vacation), and my newborn. My house is also at the top of the hill (this is important to the story).

The story: After deciding to take the children to my neighborhood park which is roughly a five to ten minute walk through the neighborhood. I decided it was getting a little too hot for us to continue to be outside and proceeded to put the one year old in his stroller and my son into his carseat which then clicks into his stroller. Me not really thinking about it decided not to strap my son into his carseat. I mean why would I need to it was just a few minutes walk back to the house (bad mom moment right there I know!). So with the 11yr old pushing his brother and me pushing my son we proceed to go home.

Here’s where the s*** hit the fan and I became a temporary horrible mom.

We make it all they way home and I, still not obviously thinking, try to lift the front of my sons stroller over the step into my house.

And out flips my teeny tiny preemie baby into the strollers sun visor. At this point I start screaming (I thought I had seriously hurt him) and trying to right the stroller. Which of course caused the 11yr old to let go of his brothers stroller to try and help me. Now if you remember I live on a hill, so then I had a run away 1yr old strapped into his stroller (so of course I start screaming again).

Luckily the 11yr old caught him before he made it out of my driveway! Even better my son besides being temporarily traumatized by his own mother didn’t have a scratch on him.

And that’s the story of when I was a horrible mother!

P.S. Yes I did learn my lesson and anytime either of the younger ones are in their strollers they are fully strapped in and if we are at any sort of pause they have their brakes on.