(Rant) My stepson's mother..


My fiancé has a son with another woman and she is pretty much refusing to let him see his son. My fiancé's license have been messed up so we can make the 30 minute drive to go get him and she's been refusing to bring him over here. When he asks for her to bring him, she makes excuses about why they're busy and she can't do it. I understand that people get busy but she's ridiculous about it. She makes excuses about things that could very easily be rescheduled or something. My fiancé's sister came up here to Ohio to be around for a minor surgery type thing that my fiancé had and asked his mother if she could come and see him. His mother said yes but whenever she asked to come and get him so that my fiancé and I could see him too, she made up an excuse. My fiancé asked if he could get him for a few days and they had play dates. Now I don't know much about play dates but I'm sure she could have rescheduled them. His sister asked and his mother told her that we've only gotten him about three times. When we had been getting him every weekend until he had a problem with his license and couldn't go and get him. She also said that we made her pick him up after 45 minutes because he was crying but she was the one who wanted to pick him up. His sister asked her one more time this morning if she could come and at least see him before she had to go back home to Georgia and she said they had a birthday party to go to. I really think she's just lying to my fiancé and his sister about all of these things she has to do because of her boyfriend. I thought it was because I'm pregnant and she's just being a bitch about it but ever since she started dating this new dude, we haven't seen his son more than one time. My fiancé wants nothing more than to just see his son even if it isn't that often. I know he feels insanely bad about not being able to see him regularly like we used to do and I just think it's stupid how she's acting so childish about him seeing his son. I don't know much about how the whole custody thing works but I would really like it if someone could explain to me how we can get to see his son more. I don't think it's fair to my fiancé or his son that they can't see each other because of her schedule (if that is the case) because it's his son too. Sorry for the rant.