bicornuate uterus and pcos :(

So I had my first child 4 years ago no problem when he turned 9 months I knew immediately I wanted to try for a sibling well that hasn’t been the case here we are 4 years later and nothing this January I was diagnosed with pcos so that hasn’t been fun at all. I’ve been experiencing pain so my dr sent me for an ultrasound he said it’s most likely a cyst while turns out i have multiple cyst which isn’t shocking but they had discovered I have a bicornuate uterus which is so strange I have an aunt who has this but in her case she was never able to conceive but what makes it so odd to me is that nobody has ever told me till now. So now I’m wondering is this what is making it so hard to get pregnant or is it just the pcos I’ve lost 30 lbs I’ve done so much I’m just sad but honestly at the same time so relieved I always knew something was off just never knew what it was and this completely confirms I’m not crazy my dr wants to see me soon to discuss what’s going on I want to tell him let’s try clomid or anything but he doesn’t see any problems since I’m 23 he says oh it’ll happen but to me it’s a huge problem it’s been 4 years and nothing I just hope now he will take me more seriously. Is there anybody else out there that can relate ?