Wtf Walmart!?

Sorry this is so long. And it’s really not that big of a deal, but I’m just pissed off and hormonal right now and want to rant and be mad.

I just went to Walmart with my 3 year old, the same one we go to all the time. I looked like hell, I had on jeggings, a t shirt with my hair in a bun with no makeup on, I looked rough. But We only needed a few things but Sometimes I just like to wonder around and look at stuff. We were there for awhile just wondering around looking at clothes, shoes, toys, or whatever. We just didn’t have anything else to do today and wanted out the house. While we were looking at the toys I noticed that I was being followed by 2 Walmart employees and a random dude who I’m guessing was a secret shopper. I just ignored it and continued to let my son pick out a toy. I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong so I wasn’t worried about it. Until the 2 Walmart employees were literally staring at me, one girl was just standing at the end of the aisle with her hand on her hip, staring at me. I was starting to get annoyed. I know stealing is becoming a problem, but I didn’t even bring in my purse or anything. All I had with me was my little wallet and keys. Where tf would I put anything to steal it? I asked her if I could help her with something and she just goes:

“Ma’am what’s in your pocket?”

In the snootiest why possible. Idk what this chicks deal was but she just wanted to pick on me I guess. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my sons Happy Meal toy we got at McDonald’s right before going to Walmart. I swear the lady inspected it like it could potentially be a bomb and went over to the other employee that was staring too and asked if it was apart of their stock. She said no and that it did look like a happy meal toy. DUH.

This b**** seriously said

“okay, I need to check your sons pockets” and starts walking towards him. Uhm Hell no. I stopped her and just went and pulled out his pockets. She just said “okay” and walked away. I guess it was too hard to say “Sorry, thank you for your time.” Or “thank you for your cooperation.” I was so annoyed, but I still wasn’t going to say anything because I really am not the kind of person to go to the manager. I made my son hurry up and pick out a toy and hurried to the grocery section to get a few things we needed.(I always get food last at the store) I just wanted to leave because I was honestly embarrassed. I went to the checkout and I swear there were so many Walmart workers just standing around looking at me and looking away. I checked out my stuff and paid for it, ready to leave. And here this bitch comes and again and said “ma’am, I’m gonna have to see your receipt.” 🙄🙄🙄. I give it to her, she checks everything like 3 times and then makes me empty out our pockets AGAIN. This time, right in front of the entrance and in front of everyone. At this point I am pissed and say

“is there a reason why you’re checking us again?”

She says “Just mandatory protocol when people like you are acting suspicious.” People like you!?

I just say “what the hell ever, since when can you not walk about the store and look around, You’ve checked me twice now, you’ve looked over my receipt like 5 times, I obviously didn’t steal anything, can I leave now.”

And she just goes “the way your getting mad is making my more suspicious but, I guess you’re good to go” and crossed her arms and started to walk away like she was some big bad boss. I muttered “f*** off” and left. I know muttering won’t help but leave me alone, I was pissed lol.

This girl wasn’t any kind of manager, she didn’t have any other vest on, nothing. I understand that it’s Walmart employees jobs to make sure no one is stealing and do what is necessary. But why did she have to be so rude? It’s ridiculous how rude she was for no reason and not to mention so Unprofessional. But It’s like she was pissed about something else and taking it out on a random stranger. I did get her name and I called and reported her. I have never done that before, but the way she acted was completely in called for.