Low levels

Tahnaya • 25. 💍👼🏼👼🏼 👧🏼 👼🏼 👶🏼

I was diagnosed with GD at 26 weeks due to a high fasting number of 5.6 at the glucose tolerance test.

Since testing I have NEVER had a high fasting number, in fact these last few days my fasting number has always been under 4.0

Today was 3.6 which is the lowest it’s been. I’m 34 weeks.

I don’t take any insulin, I just control my diet.

I’m wondering if I should be concerned about low levels? In my diabetes class I asked “what if we get low levels?” And they said “that probably won’t happen”. So I wasn’t given an answer and now I’m not sure if/when to be concerned.

My after meal levels have been ok (in the 4’s and 5’s) but was only 4.2 after a pasta meal the other day so I feel like something’s not quite right...