Loss of growth after gd diet??


So this is a stretch but figured I’d ask. I started the GD diet last week of June. Since then I’ve had two growth scans and we’ve discovered the baby’s long bones have stopped growing. I feel like it’s too coincidental that growth stopped with the start of this diet. MFM mentioned possible dwarfism which we are ruling out but until that bloodwork comes back im exploring all options. I’m hungry all of the time. I’ve had to cut out carbs as a whole as it makes me BS spike. I’m wondering if she’s just simply not getting enough nutrients? I asked the MFM who brushed it off pretty quickly but I’m calling my ob today for a second opinion. Guess I’m reaching for straws but wondering if anyone had experienced anything similar? Her head and belly are still growing, but I’ve read that those are the body parts that get the nutrients first in development, so maybe, just maybe, the limbs aren’t getting enough?