3 Months - Stilllllllll struggling! 😩😩😩

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻

Struggling with breastfeeding. Don’t even know where to begin. Or what to ask for. Maybe just venting. I don’t know.

This is my 2nd baby and 2nd child with tongue tie (corrected). So I kinda felt way more confident this time around like I know what I’m doing lol. Except now I don’t cause my son hates nursing and it’s very frustrating. I actually have googled “baby hates breastfeeding” or “baby screams at breast”.

I struggled with nursing my daughter for 6 weeks then she was super easy (that was mostly supply issue it took a bit of time for me to meet her needs. She was supplemented with formula till then) but I went on to breastfeed her for 14mos till she self weaned and it was a wonderful experience. I loved every minute of it.

My son is 13 weeks old have been struggling the entire time. I consider him a lazy nurser with a not very good latch, not a comfort nurser at all. Breastfeeding actually seems to upset him. He never nurses to sleep. If I try to nurse him before nap or bed he screams.

He was born 8lbs15oz (91st %)

He’s currently only 12lbs14oz (22nd %)

I mentioned reflux at his 2mos appt for his slow weight gain and chronic spitting up. They didn’t seem concerned or want to treat it. Said it would get better. He’s very irritable all day and progressively worse as the day goes on. Sometimes crying off and on for hours before bed.

I finally insisted on seeing the lactation consultant this week and getting a weight check and talking about reflux. They agreed it’s time to try medicine so he’s been on Zantac since Monday (5 days ago). I’m seeing some improvement with less spitting up so that’s great! (Down to 2 outfit changes a day from about 7)

However he’s still pretty miserable. And struggling with nursing. Also, he’s refused any bottle I’ve tried. I sometimes think maybe he’s too tired to nurse. So I try that. Nope. Doesn’t want it. He refused to nurse before bed (been 5hrs now) so I had to pump. He literally just fell asleep as I was pumping and I put him in bed only to have him scream 5min later. So I offered what I just pumped (2oz) took a few sips and back to screaming and falling back to sleep. It’s 945pm and I’ve started his bedtime routine at 8. This is all the time. It takes 1-2hrs to get him into bed of me trying to calm him down, get him to nurse, fall asleep. Fake him out with binky and swap in my boob. Etc. It’s ridiculous.

I could never understand why people give up breastfeeding but now I do. My whole 13 week experience has been nothing relaxing or enjoyable at all. I don’t know what to do clearly he doesn’t take a bottle either. I don’t know how to help him. I don’t know if the medicine is even working or just takes a week or two to see improvement. But I really thought come 3mos we’d be well on our way to having a good breastfeeding bond. Nope!!!! Far from it. I dread it. I literally feel like I’m torturing him with my boobs. I’ve never known a baby to scream bloody murder when you’re trying to put a boob in their face. It’s insane to me. My daughter was the complete opposite. I swear she’d nurse for hours if you let her. And she was always over the 80th % for weight.

Anyone else ever have this many struggles for this long? Please 😩 I’m dying here!!

(Me wanting to do this right now) 😂😂😂