Uh oh...

Bunny&Bear+2 • Married the Love of my Life: 9/2013 DD1: 1/2014. DD2: 6/2019 (Miscarriages: 10/2015, 1/2016, 4/2016, 6/2016, 5/2017)

So, when I breastfed my first daughter 5+ years ago, I don’t remember having any problems, other than a night or two of clogged ducts... but this time, it hurt a lot the first few days, and one nipple was even bleeding before I left the hospital.

I asked to speak to the lactation consultant before we left, to make sure I was doing everything right. The woman who came had no “real life” experience (which I found odd that SHE was the expert) so she ended up sending in a nurse who happened to have been successful with breastfeeding. I was fine with that, I just wanted someone to make sure I was doing it right!

Anyway, she suggested I use a Nipple Shield until LO’s latch got stronger, and she said that would train her to latch properly. After a week, I tried to nurse without it, but LO (little one) wasn’t happy, so I kept using the shield... Tried to nurse without it a few more times too, but no luck. And now, baby is 5 weeks old, and we are still using the shield. It isn’t the end of the world, but I would REALLY like to be free from using it, if possible.

Have I doomed myself? How can I become free of the shield? Any tips or advice?? TIA!!