Minor slip n fall


So last night as I as I was stepping into the shower my right foot went sliding and I fell hittin my right knee & kinda doin semi spilts takin the whole shower curtain down w/ me because natural instinct I grabbed to whatever I could in sight. I didn’t hit my belly and I didn’t fall anywhere on my back. My right knee is bruised & swollen and my right side is sore from stretching muscles I haven’t in a while in a shitty way. Baby girl has been moving, no contractions, bleeding or feeling of my water leaking. I didn’t call my ob idk if I should? I mean it was a minor fall compared to what could of happened I feel. Any thoughts mamas? I’m 37 weeks this week and the main reason I didn’t really call was I had a feeling they would say go to labor & delivery and my baby shower was today so such a shitty time to have this happen.