Smoking while pregnant UPDATE #3

My two crooked fingers were joined together when I was born. I had surgery at 2 to get it “fixed”. Why are they like this? Well. My mother smoked throughout her entire pregnancy with me. Ladies, stuff like this CAN and does happen. Not to mention going into labor and having your baby sooner than they’re supposed to, among other complications. So PLEASE if you need motivation to stop smoking, here is one reason.


I am 21. So it wasn’t 30/40 years ago. And my “mother” is a horrible mother lol. She’s an alcoholic and a druggie and has given all 3 of her children up for adoption (including me thank goodness.)

For those saying people didn’t know smoking was bad for them and the child-I was born in 97.

Update: I posted this is hopes that if there are any mothers to be out there, that this would maybe be some motivation to quit. While there’s no way to know 100% why my hand is messed up and no way to prove that smoking did it, it is very possible that smoking has done this. Thank you all for sharing your stories on how smoking has impacted you or someone close to you, and I am sorry that smoking has done what it has, but in sharing your stories maybe we can change the future for our babes and everyone else’s children. ♥️